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How Students Benefit from Producing Broadcasts with the NFHS Network

How Students Benefit from Producing Broadcasts with the NFHS Network

Fall sports are starting to kick off at high schools nationwide, which means live broadcasts with the NFHS Network are here for another exciting season. For many schools, the return of fall sports also means welcoming students to broadcast classes and clubs.

Thousands of schools throughout the country broadcast their events effortlessly with the NFHS Network with fully automated, AI-powered cameras. These cameras aren't meant to replace broadcast crews, but they can level the playing field for schools that may not have in-house staff and resources to produce their own broadcasts.

While automated production is a key initiative for the NFHS Network, we also take pride in empowering students to learn how to produce live broadcasts. With manual production, students are provided with the tools to produce and stream their own live broadcasts with the NFHS Network.

This program creates unique opportunities for students at our member schools. Check out the list below to learn more about how students nationwide benefit from this program.

  1. Gain real-world experience in broadcast journalism. 

    Sports media is an ever-growing and popular field of study for students, which naturally leads to a competitive job market for these roles. Students must gain experience to have an advantage, and the NFHS Network can provide invaluable lessons early on.

    In addition to learning the intricacies of filming and producing live events, students also have opportunities to give play-by-play commentary during games. This program gives students a platform to showcase their skills in a variety of roles and build their own digital portfolios. 

    Many graduates of the School Broadcast Program have gone on to pursue rewarding careers as broadcast journalists and announcers at major networks like ESPN. Others have gained professional recognition and success in creative filmmaking and advertising.

  2. Improve technical literacy. 

    Learning new technical skills is crucial for students, especially in the digital age. This program allows students to get hands-on experience with technology that is used by broadcast journalism programs at the collegiate and professional levels.

    With the NFHS Network, students can get a head-start on developing technical skills that will serve them well in many fields they may pursue after graduation. 

  3. Collaborate with students of different backgrounds. 

    The School Broadcast Program gives students an avenue to build connections with their classmates and gain essential and enriching experience working with a diverse team. Students can also refine their abilities to write scripts and questions that are empathetic and inclusive of all community members.

    The broadcast program can unite students who may not have other classes or activities together, providing a shared interest that can foster new friendships and meaningful interactions. 

  4. Analyze and curate engaging content for the community.

    A school’s fanbase will gravitate toward a broadcast with content that is personable, engaging, entertaining, and high quality. Students have the opportunity to analyze video with a critical eye for quality and content standards to determine what resonates best with their fans. 

This experience allows students to problem-solve and tap into their creativity, which also furthers the collaboration aspect of the program.

Next Steps

Schools have a unique opportunity to provide equity to their students and fans with the NFHS Network. To learn more about the broadcast programs, check out the blog below or contact us for more information.



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