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How Schools Broadcast Effortlessly with the NFHS Network

How Schools Broadcast Effortlessly with the NFHS Network

In the world of high school events, streaming has become increasingly popular for communities to stay connected and support their favorite student-athletes no matter where they are. 


Jay Gifford, Athletic Director, Dodge City High School, Dodge City, KS

If broadcasting your events seems daunting, you’re not alone. While many schools have excellent broadcast programs for producing their events, others may not have the resources.

Schools interested in broadcasting with minimal effort can benefit from Automated Production with the NFHS Network. In this post, we’ll explore how Automated Production works and how it helps schools bring their communities together with live and on-demand broadcasts. 



The Power of Pixellot Cameras

At the heart of Automated Production with the NFHS Network is the Pixellot camera technology. These AI-powered cameras are designed to capture high-quality video and follow the action from beginning to end. What sets Pixellot cameras apart is their ability to turn on and operate automatically when events start.

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Automated Scheduling

When schools enter their event schedules into PlayOn HQ, Pixellot cameras use this information to determine when and where to start recording. This automated process eliminates the need for manual intervention, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring that every scheduled event is recorded and streamed.

PlayOn HQ GIF - Scheduling Events w_Streaming

Action Tracking

The Pixellot cameras are equipped with advanced tracking technology, which enables them to track the action in real time. The cameras can pan, tilt, and zoom to ensure that the most critical moments are captured. 


This dynamic tracking feature provides viewers with an immersive experience, as they feel like they are right in the middle of the action, regardless of whether they are watching from home or on the go.

Benefits of Automated Production

Automated Production with the NFHS Network brings several key benefits to high school sports broadcasting:


With automated scheduling and action tracking, the quality and coverage of broadcasts remain consistent from game to game. Viewers can rely on the same level of professionalism and detail for every event they watch.

Cost Efficiency

By automating the production process, the NFHS Network reduces the need for multiple camera operators and production staff. This cost efficiency allows more schools to participate and broadcast their sports events.

Advanced Coaching Analytics  

The footage captured is processed and made available for coaches on VidSwap, providing detailed analysis and game breakdowns. VidSwap is now available for free to all NFHS Network member schools.


Increased Accessibility

The automated system ensures that schools with limited resources can broadcast their games, making high school sports more accessible to a wider audience.

Improved Fan Engagement

The dynamic action tracking of Pixellot cameras enhances the overall viewing experience. Fans can now follow the game closely on any device, even when they can't attend in person. Schools can also engage their fanbase by sharing stream links directly from the Fanzone in HQ on social media.

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Next Steps

The NFHS Network has changed the game for streaming high school sports. With automated scheduling and action tracking the NFHS Network ensures a consistent, cost-effective, and engaging experience for viewers while making high school sports more accessible to a broader audience. 

Interested in getting started? Schedule a demo or read testimonials and success stories from around the nation.

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