PlayOn Blog

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ICYMI: Digital Ticketing for Theatre, Homecoming, and Athletics

It’s been an exciting week in the world of school events, with unforgettable theatre productions, fun homecoming festivities, and strong competition in postseason sports. In case you missed it, check out these news highlights on digital ticketing...

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The Value of Performing Arts for Students and Communities

As we continue to celebrate High School Activities Month, we’re excited for performing arts to take center stage! More than 9.6 million students...

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How State Associations Empower Students with High School Activities

Did you know October is National High School Activities Month? That’s right - the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS), along with partner...

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The Importance of Branding School Athletics Programs

What makes a school athletics program successful? Hard work, talented student-athletes, dedicated coaches and administrators, supportive fans,...

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How to Define Your School's Event Broadcasting Ad Inventory

A Step-by-Step Process to Offer a Valuable Partnership for Local Businesses It’s no secret that school programs cost money. Every athletic team on...

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How Broadcasting Events Can Create Equity for Students and Fans

Educators nationwide strive to deliver equity for students throughout the curriculum, athletics, and activities. Teachers and administrators share a...

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Top 10 Benefits of Broadcasting School Events

Demand for high school events is sky-high, with no end to growth in sight. School event schedules are filling up quickly, players are lining up to...

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How Schools Can Elevate All Events with Digital Ticketing

Thousands of schools across the country use digital ticketing to save time, increase revenue, and elevate the event experience for their staff and...

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Game Week Playbook for Schools to Win with Digital Ticketing

It’s that time of year again! For many schools, fall sports have officially kicked off. As you're busy preparing for upcoming football games and...

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How Football Can Drive Attendance for All School Sports

As another school year approaches, athletic programs are preparing to kick off another successful football season. Now's the time to consider...

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